Nhu Energy to Provide the Control Systems for the First Long Duration Energy Storage Microgrid at a Hospital – for Kaiser Permanente
Nhu Energy in partnership with California Microgrid developer, Charge Bliss, on a recently awarded California Energy Commission (CEC) project, is providing a comprehensive microgrid control system for what will be the first long-duration energy storage clean-energy microgrid at a hospital in the U.S. The microgrid will be installed at the Kaiser Permanente Ontario Medical Center in Ontario, CA. It will be the largest energy storage installation of all of the 45 CEC-funded microgrid projects in the state to-date.

The long-duration energy storage for the Ontario microgrid project consists of zinc-powered aqueous liquid batteries supplied by Eos that do not have the combustion safety hazards that are associated with the more common Li-ion battery technology. In addition to being first to employ non-flammable long-duration energy storage technology at a hospital, this will also be the first clean-energy storage-based microgrid directly connected to the hospital emergency bus and capable of supporting a substantial portion of the hospital load during a grid outage.