About Nhu Energy

About Nhu Energy

Accelerating the Future of Energy & Intelligent Systems

Nhu Energy is working to accelerate the successful transition of innovations in energy and intelligent systems and controls to have a beneficial impact in high-value and mission-critical energy, defense, and manufacturing systems. The Nhu Energy team is growing a new kind of technology development and delivery enterprise to enable a future of more flexible, connected, and intelligent systems for energy, defense, and manufacturing.

Intelligent controls, analytics, prediction, and situational awareness are at the forefront of a new era in energy, manufacturing, defense, and mission-critical systems. Perhaps the greatest transformation in these areas is taking place in electric power systems.

Transforming the Energy Sector

The world is entering a new era in energy – how it is sourced, converted, transferred, and used. This era is driven by the growing needs of energy in defense, transportation, and utility sectors, coupled with new environmental regulations and the need for energy security in the face of global uncertainties.

Customer appetite for more sustainable energy choices, more distributed and renewable energy, while maintaining affordability and improving reliability, resiliency, and power quality, brings challenges and opportunities of a scale perhaps not seen since the early years of development of the power system we know today.

We are on the eve of a transformation in energy, and particularly electric power for civilian and defense systems. How quickly and successfully we transition into this new era depends a great deal on how effectively we identify, assess, develop, de-risk, integrate, and deploy new technologies and systems.

Nhu Energy is developing a suite of capabilities that, in partnership with a national network of specially equipped facilities and resources, will fill the gaps, raise the readiness, and accelerate the deployment of the energy, control, and critical systems technologies of tomorrow. Analytical and testing capabilities will be extended to industry and other developers through cloud-based services and a high-caliber technical research, engineering, and support team.

Nhu Energy is a catalyst and conduit for accelerating the rate of development and deployment of new technologies and complex systems, and adaptation of existing systems, to deliver change on significantly shortened timescales without detrimental effects.

Nhu Energy is in the business of perfecting and applying a highly effective process to accomplish this, from technology identification and assessment, to development and testing, to deployment and training, in a collaborative fashion with universities, national laboratories, industry, government, and other stakeholders.

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